Saturday, July 31, 2010

The New, Huge Shop Needs Stuff (okay, I need stuff):

Let's put a new spin on the DVD/Blu-Ray sale, shall we? In case you were unaware (somehow), I love Star Wars. I love Star Wars things. Movies, cartoons, shirts, jokes, posters, cookie jars, etc.

thanks to KAT who brought me these little gems yesterday!!
i did NOT wear the Vader shirt on purpose, it's just how i roll.

There's this wonderful place called Star Wars Shop. There are many things I drool onto my keyboard over in this magical place. I'm going to place a few pics up here. Feel free to peruse the site and check out this (small, very small) selection of things I want, since I'm a good, materialistic American. If you see anything you'd be interested in purchasing for a discount on tattoo work, shoot me an email and we will discuss.


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